Twenty-five tonnes of Phoslock were applied to Loch Flemington in March 2010 as part of a restoration project being conducted by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH), Edinburgh.
Loch Flemington is a high alkalinity, eutrophic loch located near the city of Inverness in Scotland. The loch is approximately 15 hectares and is very shallow, with a mean depth of only 0.75 m and a maximum depth of 2.35 m.
The loch is situated within the Kildrummie Kamies Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is host to three European Protected Species (the Slavonian Grebe, the rare aquatic plant Slender Naiad and the Great Crested Newt).
The loch had become increasingly eutrophic in recent years and with water quality deteriorating, the conservation status of the loch was under threat.
Following the application of 25 tonnes of Phoslock to the loch in March 2010, the loch was monitored monthly for a period of two years to assess the effects of the application.
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