Behlendorfer See, Germany

Behlendorfer See is a 63 hectare lake near the town of Ratzeburg in Northern Germany. It was treated with 214 tonnes of Phoslock in December 2009.

The application of Phoslock (sold in Germany as Bentophos) was undertaken by Bentophos GmbH at the end of 2009, shortly before the entire lake froze for the winter. Phoslock was applied to a surface area of the lake of approximately 40 hectares and deeper than 7m. Prior to the application, the lake suffered from poor macrophyte growth and summer peaks of total phosphorus of between 0.3 mg/L and 0.45 mg/L. In the 10 years following the application water quality improved, the macrophyte colonization depth has increased, and total phosphorus concentrations have not exceeded 0.04 mg/L. 

214 tonnes of Phoslock was applied to Lake Behlendorfer, Germany in December 2009

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