Phoslock is a unique product to control the release of phosphates from sediments in freshwaters including ponds, lakes, reservoirs, rivers and canals
Reverses eutrophication symptoms. Safe for aquatic life. Successfully used on hundreds of waterbodies worldwide
by controlling phosphorus release from the sediments of lakes and reservoirs using the novel product Phoslock
Clearer golf course lakes, healthier ecosystems. Improves water quality and enhances the beauty of your course
Phoslock Water Solutions (UK) Ltd and Phoslock Europe GmbH are wholly owned subsidiaries of Phoslock Environmental Technologies (PET) of Sydney, Australia.
PET is the manufacturer and intellectual property owner of Phoslock, a geo-engineered phosphorus-binding clay material developed by the Commonwealth Scientific Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia, in the nineties.
Phoslock Water Solutions (UK) Ltd and Phoslock Europe GmbH are wholly owned subsidiaries of Phoslock Environmental Technologies (PET) of Sydney, Australia.
PET is the manufacturer and intellectual property owner of Phoslock, a geo-engineered phosphorus-binding clay material developed by the Commonwealth Scientific Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia, in the nineties.
Phoslock was developed in Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to remove phosphates from water. The active element in Phoslock is lanthanum (a rare-earth element) which has a strong affinity to bind with phosphate.
Phoslock has been successfully applied to over 300 water bodies around the world.
Here you will find a selection of detailed case studies containing descriptions of the projects accompanied by images and videos.
Phoslock was developed in Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to remove phosphates from water. The active element in Phoslock is lanthanum (a rare-earth element) which has a strong affinity to bind with phosphate.
Phoslock has been successfully applied to over 300 water bodies around the world.
Here you will find a selection of detailed case studies containing descriptions of the projects accompanied by images and videos.
For more information about the Phoslock treatment or to start a conversation about treating your lake, reservoir or canal, please get in touch. Where appropriate, we will forward your request to a local licensed distributor.
For more information about the Phoslock treatment or to start a conversation about treating your lake, reservoir or canal, please get in touch. Where appropriate, we will forward your request to a local licensed distributor.
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